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To ensure the highest levels of consistency of our programs and courses, we have strict guidelines in curriculum building, as well as the skills and background experience of our trainers and instructors.

British Board instructors have gone through a rigorous training program to ensure effective material delivery within the context of real business experiences in their respective fields to ensure you are receiving the highest standards of both theoretical and applicable knowledge in each industry.

Instructor Name Profession Nationality

Asmaa Shahat Mohamed

Human Development Egyptian

Soha Khaled Mohammed

Video Editor Egyptian

Ahmed Hamdy Mohamed Ahmed

Economics & Financial Analysis Egyptian

Miznah W S A R Alsultan

Training of Trainers Egyptian

Lamiaa Yasser Abdullah

Human Development Egyptian

Mahmoud Ibrahim Ahmed

Site Survey Engineer Egyptian

Bassam Ahmed Manea Shaafal

Pharmacy Yemen

Mohamed Nasser Mohamed Al-Azani

Urologists Yemen

Hala Motlaq Maleh Alenezi

Guidance & Psychological Counselting KWT

Amani Al-Abed Mohammed Abuamo

Dermatology Palestinian

Mahmoud Ibrahim Ahmed Mohamed

Civil Engineer Egyptian

Fatema Saleh Abdulsalam Moftah

Pharmaceutical Formulation Libyan

Mohammed Hashem Saeed Bin Taleb

Internal Medicine Yemen

Emtiaz Ali Abdo Ebrahim

Obstetrics & Gynecology Yemen

Mohammed Hashem Saeed Bin Taleb

Chest Diseases Yemen

Khaled Bader Abdullah

Political Science KWT

Fatema Saleh Abdulsalam

Alternative Medicine & Herbs Libyan

Ahmed Said Ramadan Ahmed

Accounting & Financial Analysis Egyptian

Aida Bakry Ibrahim Hussein

Infertility Sudanese

Aida Bakry Ibrahim Hussein

Dermatology Sudanese